Train up a child in the way he should go; And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Our focus at Mission Dorado is to come along side parents in teaching their children Biblical truths. It is vital for children to have an understanding of God and His love for them. Below are opportunities for your children.
Pre-School/Nursery Ministry
We have a fantastic nursery ministry that serves children from birth to 4 years old. This ministry is open during every worship opportunity, including Wednesday nights! During this time our kids are taught Bible lessons and loved on by our wonderful nursery staff.
AWANA Club is designed for 4 yrs-5th grade! They will experience bible study, games, snacks and scripture memorization, all while having fun and working toward a goal. Learning and memorizing Scripture helps children know the Gospel, and study God's Word! AWANA is 6:00pm-7:30pm.
Sunday School
We have a wonderful Sunday School program for every age! We use The Gospel Project curriculum. This curriculum walks kids through a book of the Bible, which connects them to various people, places, and events throughout the Bible. This allows the kids to focus on one big idea at a time and not jump from subject to subject. Sunday School is from 9:00-10:00am.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light,
1 Peter 2:9, NAS.
We believe that students play a vital role in the church. They are not the future of the church; they are the church! Here are ways your student can get involved here at Mission Dorado:
Wednesday Evening Small Groups @ 6:00pm
On Wednesdays our students are divided up into small groups determined by age and gender, and then participate in Bible studies that take them deep into the scriptures, investing in them practical ways to live out their faith.
Summer Camps
During the summer students have the opportunity to attend a camp designed to cultivate fellowship and worship that takes place at a different pace than the usual, weekly setting church might provide.
Mission Trips
We often provide summer mission opportunities so that students can invest their time into serving others while sharing the gospel.
Sunday Morning Small Groups @ 9:00am
We have a vibrant class available for students during the small group hour before morning worship. Unlike Wednesday evenings, this class includes all students, regardless of age or gender.
Mission Dorado provides many worship, outreach, and fellowship opportunities for those who are in their adult stage of life. Check out these opportunities below!
Sunday Gatherings
Other opportunities include:
Hallelujah! How good it is to sing to our God, for praise is pleasant and lovely. Psalm 147:1
The Music Ministry of Mission Dorado Baptist Church is dedicated to leading believers to a lifestyle of worship and praise to our God and to leading the lost to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
This group is an extension of the Sanctuary Choir. These individuals are called by God to assist in leading worship through song.
We desire to provide opportunities for musical training and performance through which individuals may express their devotion and love to the Lord and to utilize their musical talents and abilities in a Christ honoring way.
If you love music and technology this is the place for you. No experience needed. If you can click a mouse of push a button you can serve here. Training is provided for all our audio and video technicians.
For more information about the music and worship ministry email Hannah Huebner at
Our Senior Adult ministry is one of the strongest ministries we have! Here are some great ways to plug in!
Sunday Gatherings
Widows and Widower Luncheon
Once a quarter.
We have a wonderful visitation program for all of those who have become homebound. We make sure that they stay plugged in with a copy of the weekly sermon and other information.